
REACH is the Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals.

The main aims of REACH are to ensure a high level of protection of human health and the enviroment from the risks that can be posed by chemicals, the promotion of alternative test methods, the free circulation of substance on the internal market and enhancing competitiveness and innovation.

Manufacturers and importers of substances have a general obligation to submit a registration  to the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) for each substance manufactured or imported in quantities of 1 tonne or more per year per company.

Failure to register means that the substance cannot be manufactured or imported.

The rules for the manufacture and use of chemicals in the European Union are designed to meet the business and societal needs for safer chemicals.

REACH promotes the substitution of hazardous chemicals by they very design and promotes a safer alternative.

The European Chemical Agency (ECHA) is the driving force in implementing the EU’s grundbreaking chemicals legislation for the protection of human health and the enviroment.

ECHA was founded in 2007 and is based in Helsinki, Finland.

ECHA has the obligation to make certain of the information available. The data are put in a database.

Our policy is to act in observance of national and international rules and laws in force.

Gerli Metalli DOES NOT deal in any classified CMR, PBT, vPvB or IE substance.

For any question or information about REACH you can address to